Cnc Drill Line Tensile Tester

Cnc Drill Line Dwell

MultMaster functions as an extension to the Roller Feed measurement method. This allows for cuts that might otherwise require manual positioning. This accessory makes it easy to process material on a Voortman saw and drill tandem system.

The CNC Drill Line can be programmed manually at the machine or in the office using the supplied Peddimat software. This software comes included with the AVENGER and can be installed on as many PCs in your office as you choose � this unlimited license is included with the purchase of your machine. It is the same software that is found on the machine itself and is the same software used on the CNC Drill Line and all Voortman CNC fabricating machinery.

Voortman AccuMeasure Roller Feed measurement systems offer saw measurement options. AccuMeasure offers complete handling flexibility while providing a simple CNC solution. The ability to separate a drill from a saw means that neither machine has to wait for the other, maximising production.

"..We have drilled about 25,000 holes since we bought our CNC Drill Line around four months back. We used to need to drill every hole in 5 minutes. It takes us about. 30 seconds per hole = a savings totaling 1875 manhours in just 4 months. This saves us $84,375. This machine will pay for its cost in less that one year. It speeds up our production and frees up floor space to allow for additional jobs.

Cnc Drill Line Unit

Cnc Drill Line Unit

Voortman has developed Raptor 3DCAD/CAM Software. This software takes CNC innovation one step further. Users can program faster and more accurately with Raptor 3DCAD/CAM Software. You can inspect, modify and export your part information from within the 3D platform. This combination with Voortman CNC technology ensures maximum capacity for fabricators.

Renishaw 5-Axis Calibration - This calibration unit is a Renishaw model APCA45, with a modified spherical tip. To remove dust and debris during activation, the device comes with a retractable cover. It attaches to a swing arm that is controlled by a pneumatic motor. This allows it to be out of the way during normal operation, and then swings into the calibration position.

Cnc Drill Line 6 R

The FlexBeam is a newly launched machine tool developed for fast, accurate, and economic production of steel profiles. This machine is an efficient beam processing solution for small to medium-sized fab shops, looking to take on larger jobs.

Peddimat is incredibly simple and intuitive, and takes less than an hour to learn, even if you have never worked on a computer in your life.

Cnc Drill Line 6 R


The Franklin HD145 (3) spindle-cNC drill is 44 inches wide. The HD-145 can lift beams of up to 750 lbs per feet. The high-performance spindle design allows drilling speeds of up to 2000 RPM. The rigid design of the spindle allows for very aggressive feed rates, up to 300 ft per minute. There are many material handling options available for the Franklin HD145, from 300 lbs to 750 pounds per foot.

Voortman created today's CNC beam drill standard using time-tested technology. Advantage-2 processes on average 150 tons of steel per week. Advantage-2 uses the most efficient drilling and milling operations, including tapping, tapping, and countersinking.

Cnc Drill Line Lading Tracking

The CNC Drill Line not just drills holes in any profile of steel in a fraction the time it takes, but also marks the locations for all your welded attachments.

The CNC Drill Line is designed specifically for fabricators and general job shops that need to put holes in steel profiles of all types. Consider the following questions and determine if this machine fits your needs.

Cnc Drill Line 6 R

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Cnc Drill Line Keyless

Voortman's beam drilling line has intelligence beyond its own capabilities. It can also be plugged in to any environment thanks to its modularity. Tandem solutions using band saws robotic coppers and PeddiWriters increase the shop's throughput positioning. This allows the steel industry to be more economically efficient when it cools down, and more aggressive when it heats up. Voortman developed the Multmaster so that even the smallest components could be made into a tandem saw. Fabricators make greater profits by using the full profile and minimising remnant. Get more output Check. As with every Voortman CNC drill, profit would not be possible without material handling. Fabricators lose money every profile that is manually moved. Material handling is also safer than using cranes or fork trucks to transfer the largest profiles.

The CNC Beam Drill Line, which can be used to fabricate structural steel or miscellaneous metallics, was immediately a hit with small to medium size fabricators. Since 2003, more than 600 CNC Drill Lines were installed all over the globe. This incredible machine has transformed the lives many a steel fabricator.

Cnc Drill Line Dwell

Frequently Asked Questions

Concrete beams can be strengthened with steel reinforcement rods. A beam is subject to tension at the bottom and compression at its top. Concrete is strong enough to withstand great compression but very fragile when it experiences tension.

C-channel frames are stronger against rust.

Although c-channel can be a little more expensive than angle iron, it is much more durable in most cases. C-channel is preferred for projects that can be done without major engineering or expense.

The hole size should not exceed 38mm (1.25 in.). The beam depth should not exceed one-tenth of the hole diameter, whichever is less, with the exception being 25mm (1 in.).

C-Channel is usually stronger than tube in the vertical direction (as shown in the beam profile chart picture above).